Monday, August 29, 2011

5 Tips for Finding New Commercial Real Estate Revenue Streams

the Source a blog by CommercialSource

As the economic recovery lags, businesses realize they need to do even more to cut expenses, reduce payrolls, and find new sources of revenue. But what is left to cut? Where can they find new streams of revenue?

Real estate is often a company’s most valuable asset, and real-estate related moves can yield the biggest return on investment. In the July/August issue of CIRE magazine, Martin N. Burton shares 10 strategies that commercial real estate professionals and their clients can employ to find additional savings and new avenues for cash flow. Here are five highlights:
1. Divide and Prosper – If the time has come to sell off an asset, owners can maximize the chances of sale and total return by selling off smaller parcels instead of a single large one. Not only do smaller parcels typically sell for higher per-square-foot values, but their lower overall prices attract more potential buyers.

2. Embrace This Audit – Some companies have begun to adopt green practices, such as switching to fluorescent bulbs, or making sure employees turn off lights and computers regularly at the end of each day. But a comprehensive energy audit can help leverage the benefits of these improved practices to achieve even greater savings.

3. Bond with PACE – Property Assessed Clean Energy bonds can make green retrofitting even easier, allowing cities to finance a property owner’s green improvements. The owner repays the loan through tax assessments on that property over 20 years. In many cases, the money saved in reduced energy expenses is enough to cover the loan and bring in cash flow.

4. Increase ... click here to read more

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